Cambodia’s habitats face multiple threats including illegal logging, poaching, and wildlife trafficking, rapidly pushing roughly 60 species, including sun bears, Asian elephants, pileated gibbons, Indochinese tigers, clouded leopards, and pangolins toward extinction.
The Wildlife Alliance provides critical elephant conservation at the Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Center (PTWRC) . Over 300,000 visitors per year learn about the conservation of elephants and their habitats. With financial support from Conservation OutREACH the PTWRC completed construction on their elephant education centre. The area includes signs and interactive materials on the individual stories of rescued elephants like Lucky and Chhouk (pictured below). Chhouk was found with his front leg destroyed, likely by an illegally placed snare. With the help of a specially designed prosthesis and the companionship of other elephants, Chhouk has thrived under the care of the staff at PTWRC and become a global ambassador for elephant conservation.

Because education is key to saving animals, Wildlife Alliance’s Kouprey Express, aims to raise awareness and cultivate a culture of conservation throughout Cambodia through its environmental education program. The Kouprey Express goes directly into the field with mobile outreach programs to engage and educate students and communities about their country’s incredible wildlife.